Homemade Soba Noodles with Philips pasta maker
Serving Size
3 to 6 people
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Total Time
30 minutes
Ingredients for 600g flour (for 5 to 6 people)
- 300g buckwheat flour
- 260g bread flour or strong flour (T65)
- 40g gluten flour
- 210ml water
Ingredients for 500g flour (for 4 to 5 people)
- 250g buckwheat flour
- 217g bread flour or strong flour (T65)
- 33g gluten flour
- 175ml water
Ingredients for 400g (for 3 to 4 people)
- 200g buckwheat flour
- 173g bread flour or strong flour (T65)
- 27g gluten flour
- 140ml water
- 1. Mix dry ingredients (buckwheat flour, bread flour, gluten flour) in a bowl. Transfer to the "Philips Pasta Maker" equipped with the spaghetti extrusion disc. Close lid.
- 2. Turn the machine on and choose the setting. Press Start.
- 3. Slowly pour water through the opening in the lid.
- 4. Soba dough will begin to form and soba noodle will come out within a few minutes. Cut the first soba noodles at about 10cm length and put them back in the machine's mixing tank. That's because the first soba is not smooth enough ;-)
- 5. The noodles will be extruded. Now do not cut the soba until the machine stops (Only if your are making soba with 500 or 600g flour (twice this recipe's amount), then you should cut once at halfway point).
- 6. Toss the soba noodles with a little bit of flour or katakuriko/potato starch to prevent sticking.
- Note : Soba is sort of fragile and easy to cut naturally. That is why I don't cut them while it is extruding. I tried several ways and found that this way works the best :-)
To enjoy a Soba soup bowl (in this case better cut them in ~80cm long noodles as they come out of the Philips Pasta Maker) :
*1.* Pour enough water in a big cooking pot and bring it to a boil. Add soba noodles for 1 person and mix gently with chopticks for a few seconds. Do not overmix. When the soba starts rising to the surface (after 30~40s), take it out, using a cooking sieve.
*2.* Immediately rinse with cold water. Then put it back in the hot water to warm it up. Leave until the soba gets to the texture you like : I prefer hard soba, so I leave it in the water for another 30~40 seconds :)
*3.* Move the soba to a serving bowl, and pour the soup with any garnish you like. Enjoy!
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